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"Where words leave off, music begins." - Heinrich Heine

Mátyás Bartha

Over the last few years, pianist Matyas Bartha’s playing has taken him into the top league of the European jazz scene. Born in Hungary, he spent his student years in Graz (Austria) and now lives in Vienna, where he enriches the scene with his stylistically grounded yet innovative playing.
Since 2020 Bartha has been joined by the excellent musicians Danny Ziemann (bass) and Christian Salfellner (drums), both extremely adept and experienced sidemen in the piano trio format, in the Matyas Bartha Trio.
The diverse programme on this CD consists of compositions by Matyas and Danny, interspersed with carefully selected standards from the Great American Songbook, some of them arranged collectively by the trio.

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From This Moment On
Mátyás Bartha Trio